042.36400706, 36400707


Am I certain to lose my teeth?

No. With the right home care and help from your dentist and hygienist, it is possible to keep your teeth for life. Gum disease and tooth decay can be prevented whatever your age.

What is mouth cancer?

Most people have heard of cancer affecting parts of the body such as the lungs or breasts. However, cancer can occur in the mouth, where the disease can affect the lips, tongue, checks and throat.

Why would I need and X-ray?

Early tooth decay does not tend to show many physical signs. Sometimes the tooth looks healthy, but your dentist will be able to see from an X-ray (radiograph) whether you have any decay under the enamel, any possible infections in the roots, or any bone loss around the tooth. X-rays can help the dentist to see in between your teeth or under the edge of your fillings. Finding and treating dental problems at an early stage can save both time and money.

In children, X-rays can be used to show where the second teeth are and when they will come through. This also applies to adults when the wisdom teeth start to come through.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Adult can have a maximum of 32 teeth. The wisdom teeth or third molars are the last to come through, right at the back. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Although sometimes they appear many years later.

Nowadays people often have jaws that are too small for all 32 teeth – 28 is often the most we have room for. So if all the other teeth are present and healthy there may not be enough space for the wisdom teeth to come through properly.

What are mouth ulcers?

Ulcers are painful sores that appear inside the mouth. They are usually red or yellow. They are different from cold sores, which appear on the outer lips and are due to a virus.

I’ve had my tooth out – what should I do now?

Take it easy for the rest of the day. Take as little exercise as you can, and rest as much as you can. Keep your head up to avoid any bleeding.

What is a cold sore?

A cold sore is a small, painful raised area of small, fluid-filled blisters, usually where the lip joins the surrounding skin. The blisters are painful and dry up to make a yellow crust which gradually heals in a few days. Cold sores are usually found on the lips but you can get them in other places, such as in the nostrils, on the nose or around the outside of the mouth. Cold sores tend to last 5 to 7 days and can keep coming back. Most people only have them once or twice a year.

Do I need to see my dentist during pregnancy?

Yes. Due to hormone changes during pregnancy, some women’s dental health needs closer attention during this time. For instance, you may notice that your gums appear to bleed more easily.

Who needs special care dentistry?

Everyone needs to be able to have dental care. However, some people need special facilities or services to have this care provided. People with physical disabilities may have problems getting into the surgery or even into the dental chair. People with learning disabilities may become overanxious at the thought of going to the dentist or may need extra reassurance. People suffering from severe medical problems may need extra precautions or care. Dentists are able to take account of all these things when providing dental care.

How often should I clean my dentures?

It is important to treat your dentures like you would treat your natural teeth. They should be kept as clean as possible to prevent further tooth loss, inflamed gums, or bacterial and fungal infections. We usually recommend that you clean them thoroughly twice a day, and after eating when necessary.

How can I tell if I have bad breath?

Lots of small signals can show that you have bad breath. Have you noticed people stepping away when you start to talk? Do people turn their check when you kiss them goodbye?

If you think you might have bad breath, there is a simple test that you can do. Simply lick the inside of your wrist and sniff – if the smell is bad you can be pretty sure that your breath is too. Or, ask a very good friend to be absolutely honest, but do make sure they are a true friend.

Why is a healthy diet important for my oral health?

Every time you eat or drink anything surgery, your teeth are under acid attack for up to one hour. This is because the sugar will react with the bacteria in plaque (the sticky coating on your teeth) and produce the harmful acids. So it is important to keep surgery foods only to mealtimes, limiting the amount of time your mouth is at risk.

Acidic foods and drinks can be just as harmful to your teeth. The acid erodes the enamel, exposing the dentine underneath. This can make the teeth sensitive and unsightly.

A diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals and fresh produce can help to prevent gum disease. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and cause bad breath. The diagram below is a good example of what you should eat as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

What is crown?

A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth. A crown is sometimes known as a ‘cap’.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Dentistry is no longer just a case of filling and extracting teeth, as it was for many years. Nowadays many people turn to cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry’, as a way of improving their appearance, mush as they would use cosmetic surgery or even a new hairstyle. The treatments can be used to straighten, lighten, reshape and repair teeth. Cosmetic treatments include veneers, crown, bridges, tooth colored fillings, implants and tooth whitening.

When should I take my child to the dentist?

It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take them regularly, as often as your dentist recommends. This will let them get used to the noises, smells and surrounding sand prepare them for future visits. The earlier these visits begin, the more relaxed the children will be.

What is an avulsed tooth?

An avulsed tooth is one that has been knocked out. A tooth can be knocked out for a number of reasons: often a blow to the mouth, or an accident involving the face. This can happen for example during contact sports. It is possible to replace the tooth in the socket successfully if the right action is taken as soon as possible.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in many foods and in all drinking water. The amount of fluoride in the water varies from area to area.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease describes swelling, soreness or infection of the tissues supporting the teeth. There are two main forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal disease.

What is a geographic tongue?

Geographic tongue is a common condition that causes a characteristic appearance, which experts recognise instantly. The tops of the tongue, sides and occasionally, undersurface of the tongue develop irregular, smooth red areas, which may look like the outline of a map. There are usually wavy white lines next to the red patches.

You may notice that after a few weeks or mouth the position of these lines and red patches change. This is why the condition is called erythema migrans in Latin, as its position changes and moves.

What s preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is the modern way of reducing the amount of dental treatment needed to maintain a healthy mouth. It helps you to keep your teeth. The two major causes of tooth loss are decay and gum disease. The better we prevent or deal with these two problems, the more chance people have of keeping their teeth for life.

The joint efforts of the dentist, the hygienist and the patient can help to prevent the need for treatment, and so avoid the traditional pattern of fillings and extractions. A course of treatment may be recommended to get your mouth into good condition, and a maintenance plan will be worked out to help you keep it that way.

What are sensitive teeth?

Having sensitive teeth can mean anything from getting a mild twinge to having severe discomfort that can continue for several hours.

It can also be an early warning sign of more serious dental problems.

How can smoking affect my oral health?

Most people are now aware that smoking is bad for our health. It can cause many different medical problems and, in some cases, fatal diseases. However, many people don’t realize the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums and teeth.

Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss and in more severe cases mouth cancer.

Why is a healthy smile important?

An attractive and healthy smile is important when meeting people and making friends. And it can boost your confidence to help you feel good about yourself.

If you don’t look after your teeth and gums properly you could suffer from a number of different conditions that will make you stand out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons: - Bad breath - Stained teeth - Tooth decay - Gum disease - Tooth loss - Dental erosion

Will I need to tell my dentist if I have a medical condition?

When you have your first dental check up, you will be asked to fill in a medical history form. In this you can tell your dentist about any medical conditions, recent operations, allergies, and tablets or medicines you are taking that may affect your dental treatment.

You may think that some conditions are not important enough to mention. However, quite often these conditions are just a important. The information will help your dentist and the dental team work together to make sure you are treated in the safest way possible and are not put at any risk during treatment.

What is dental occlusion?

Dental occlusion is another name for the way your teeth meet when your jaws bite together.

How long will I have to wear the brace?

It really depends on how much work there is to do and how far your teeth need to be moved.

Fixed braces – usually take between 12 and 24 months, but could take longer if the problem is severe.

Removable braces – usually take less time than a fixed brace. However, you might need to wear a removable brace before and after you have finished your treatment with a fixed brace.

Your dentist or orthodontist will be able to give you advice about your brace and teeth. If you don’t do what they say, the brace can take longer to work and the treatment may be unsuccessful. If your brace is damaged or broken this can also delay the treatment.

What is oral lichen planus?

Lichen planus is a long-lasting disease that can affect the mouth and sometimes other areas on the body. When it appears in your mouth it is called ‘oral lichen planus’. It can appear on its own or as part of a disease affecting other parts of your body. Oral lichen planus usually happens in middle to late life and more women get it than men.

What is a mouthguard?

A mouthguard is a specially made, rubber-like cover which fits exactly over your teeth and gums, cushioning them and protecting them from damage.

What do I need to clean my teeth properly?

There are many different oral care products available today. Your dentist or hygienist will be able to recommend the best toothbrush and toothpaste for you to use, as well as the best way to clean between your teeth.

It is important to always use a good toothbrush, a toothpaste which is suitable for your needs and, in most cases, something to clean between your teeth.

I need a filling – what types are there?

There are a number of different fillings including:

- Amalgam (silver coloured)
- Composite fillings (tooth coloured)
- Glass ionomer (tooth coloured)
- Gold inlays and onlays (gold coloured)
- Porcelain inlays (tooth colouted)

What is tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening can be highly effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surface. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it may lighten the existing shade.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment (also called endodontics) is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury. You may not feel any pain in the early stages of the infection. In some cases, your tooth could darken in the colour which may mean that the nerve of the tooth has died (or is dying). This would need root canal treatment.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a titanium metal rod which is placed into the jawbone. It is used to support one or more false teeth. In practice, both the false teeth and their supporting rod are known as ‘implants’.

What is dental erosion?

Erosion is the loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attach. Enamel is the hard, protective coating of the tooth, which protects the sensitive dentine underneath. When the enamel is worn away, the dentine underneath is exposed, which may mead to pain and sensitivity.

What are my teeth for?

Your teeth do different jobs. They help you to cut up and chew your food when you are eating. They help you to talk and make different sounds. They also give your face its shape and they give you a nice smile.

You have four different types of teeth:
The incisors are the teeth at the very front of your mouth. They are the sharpest and help to cut up your food.
The canines are the pointed teeth either side of your incisors. They help to hold and tear the food.
The pre-molars sit behind your canine teeth. They have a flat chewing surface because they help to crush your food.
The molars are the very back teeth. They are big double teeth and are also flat. They help to chew and grind your food into small pieces ready to swallow.

Why am I afraid of the dentist?

Being ‘afraid of the dentist’ may mean different thing s to different people. It will probably help if you work out just what it is that worries you most.

Maybe the sounds and smells bring back memories of bad experiences as a child, or the thought that having treatment will hurt.

The good news is that more and more dentists now understand their patients’ fears, and with a combination of kindness and gentleness can do a great deal to make dental treatment an acceptable, normal part of life.

What are sealants?

Sealants are a safe and painless way of protecting your children’s teeth from decay. A sealant is a protective plastic coating, which is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay.

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It can also help to look after the long-term health of the teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all the teeth.

Dental Surgery Associates

14-D1, Gulberg-III,
Near Maisonette Hotel,
Lahore - Pakistan.


  042.36400706, 36400707

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